nurul's birthday
Frankly speaking it was one of the most entertaining days in the past few weeks..starting with the lamest impromptu skit I ever did during the south asian tutorial ,nassar as the Brahman and me as the untouchable, the day remained entertaining throughout..even the fact that nassar was eyeing the ‘brahman’ girl in the tutorial was damn funny.
We rushed back to studio to make the card for nurul..though nassar did most of it as I was busy making a box for her and sliced my finger..later we made her wear a sari with her top and pants and made her walk around in Holland v where we went to have dinner later. Two Indian guys were saying sth like ‘very nice’..hehe..poor her got bullied by us..surprisingly me nassar and iskandar wer wearing the same outfit as we did months back during some outing..that was such a funny co incident. Anyways the food was good and we concluded an entertaining evening.
just a thought
it wasnt any special day..just liek any other studio n rush..well later we went out to break our fast..i always found my malay friends fun..infact my very good friend in aki is a malay..oh well it might be because of being muslims, we seem to have some common values here n there..i often do hang out with them. they are just as crazy as me but certain things surprise me specialy their insensitivity. yes like today we wer all out and they were all speaking in only malay(ofcors it dosnt include my darling friend)..i mean i can tolerate some puns or jokes in malay at times but not like every word you utter! i dun mind when they play malay music or listen to malay news but when a group of people are out and they keep having conversations in pure malay and u dont understand a thing..makes u feel left out. i think this was extremely insensitive and incosiderate. specialy i should mention abotu my ex, even if everyone forgets he should atleast remember that i am not a malay since he was with me for so long..unless he purposely wanna make me feel left out and also spcialy cos he always complained when his ex studio mates constantly spoke chinese. i myself grew up as being very considerate about all these issues..once i heard that our prophet asked us not to whisper anything to one friend when another of ur friend was present so that he dosnt feel left out. and i believed it. anyways i like them all and no question about it. i can just hope they would be more considerate in future. if not i dont know wether i would wanna switch the group of people i hangout with. there is no point in being a nobody among everybody. i rather eat alone.
whats in a title?
my favourite lines ever....
i am so small that i can barely be can this great love be inside me?look at your eyes.they are small but they see enormous things..
life's like that
life cant get worse than this..stay over in studio for 2 nites in a row then another sleepless night to do project..3nites and a total of 4 hrs of sleep..yet u get slammed by a greek bitch..! then i cant believe some people just cant be bothered about group projects and they expect others to do it for a loser i spent a lot of money..rushing back with a cab and in the end not handing up the project because of some irresponsible chiz*! it was sad. and just heard my friend missed the last bus back home..that would make her having another stayover!! thats insane...what to do life is like that and we just gotta bear with it..i am really tired.
the pavillion

ohmymy..isnt that a beauty..yess we constructed it..mentally and physically..all of us and that is something making me feel less loser today even though i have accepted myself as a bimbodoh for waiting for the bus for 50 bloody minutes or for watever watever happened regarding the moon homework today. look at the foto now..lalalllala
sure, wadever:)
Everyday I promise to myself that I wouldn’t spend much on unnecessary things but damn..that is such a hard vow to keep..even unplanned outings can cost u way more than u expect and specially you are out with some one else who was craving for a shopping trip just as u. as we walked along with the alluring shops on both sides was just hard to resist.. and we looked like some deprived “teens going to be adults” whose young adulthood is constantly being suffocated inside a few thousand sqt studio..and suddenly came out of that after ages.. who have pale skin as a result of not being exposed to the sun and weak health as a result of not doing any exercise and because of the intense weight of the bags who walk a bit like hunchbacks and who only can look at yummy stuffs yet cant buy as all their money was spent on the stay over(s). but I gotta say I came across this cool bag and couldn’t resist myself from buying it oh yah the fishball noodles and beef pide was nice. Below is a pic of that “exclusively for me type” bag. Yay.
only smell remains
And the sudden smell interrupts me. I look frantically around and in the crowd looking for you as the afternoon sun sets lazily behind the mrt station walls.Was it you or your shadow? Was it anybody or it was nobody?It was just your my mind.The same old smell of the perfume u always used.You are gone yet the smell remains and it would.Until memories fade.And as I walk along the riverside I can smell it again.Was it you or your shadow? Was it anybody or it was nobody?Nah it wasn’t you.Just your my mind.
out of service
Lately blogspot is giving me enough trouble.. For the past few days I have been trying to update it but the window never appeared to be suitable for typing anything. Now talking about service I remember NUS which apparently looks like a ‘not for ur service’ team. They were giving trouble with almost everything. starting from the beginning of the sem where we had a hectic time trying to log on to cors , I couldn’t enter sde computer lab where as the whole world could I mean at least the sde people and I had to run back and forth and waste my precious time to get it done. And it didn’t stop there.. they even charged me higher school fees until I made a complaint .now lately another “wow” type problem appeared which is “I cant access my nus email from my laptop” and the reason is simply unknown as I can easily do that from my home pc. Weird enough indeed. The whole of mid sem break was wasted on doing the pavilion which was suppose to be done by the first 2days but hey its nus again so ended up using the whole god damn 8days. But as nus claims it was the contractors fault. Oh well. Look at the main studio. I thought it was suppose to be a step to retain the studio culture erm I have doubt whether I would even work in there once it becomes preoccupied with computers and no god damn space would be left to keep our stuffs. And what’s the point of putting a door lock where as u can just trespass from the window? Bleagh I need a partition as well. I don’t possibly want people to look at my face when I am drawing with my mouth half open and tongue a bit out. Please! And the talks about this issue would never end lets just wait and see.