Friday, October 28, 2005

just a thought

it wasnt any special day..just liek any other studio n rush..well later we went out to break our fast..i always found my malay friends fun..infact my very good friend in aki is a malay..oh well it might be because of being muslims, we seem to have some common values here n there..i often do hang out with them. they are just as crazy as me but certain things surprise me specialy their insensitivity. yes like today we wer all out and they were all speaking in only malay(ofcors it dosnt include my darling friend)..i mean i can tolerate some puns or jokes in malay at times but not like every word you utter! i dun mind when they play malay music or listen to malay news but when a group of people are out and they keep having conversations in pure malay and u dont understand a thing..makes u feel left out. i think this was extremely insensitive and incosiderate. specialy i should mention abotu my ex, even if everyone forgets he should atleast remember that i am not a malay since he was with me for so long..unless he purposely wanna make me feel left out and also spcialy cos he always complained when his ex studio mates constantly spoke chinese. i myself grew up as being very considerate about all these issues..once i heard that our prophet asked us not to whisper anything to one friend when another of ur friend was present so that he dosnt feel left out. and i believed it. anyways i like them all and no question about it. i can just hope they would be more considerate in future. if not i dont know wether i would wanna switch the group of people i hangout with. there is no point in being a nobody among everybody. i rather eat alone.


At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what u are feeling is very natural...
here is something i have tried for my friends facing the same problem as u and it really works.

someone other than u (maybe ur best friend) states clearly to the group to converse in english when u r around. well in this case u hafta tell ur best friend (if she hasnt realised it by now) that u r uncomfortable with language being used.

As for changing the group idea... friends arent like clothes that you may change as often as u like... its kinda hard even for the very sociable ppl...

At 11:21 PM, Blogger tongueofsilence said...

thanks for ur advice..yah my friend does understand my problem and she was irritated by the fact that i was uncomfortable and told me she was gng to tell them next time.

At 4:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just sing tra lala lalala
or swear at them in bengali hahahaha bengali has the best slangs..haha they wont know wat ur saying.. sigh, so translate hahaha.yo mista nobody, friends cud be droped lyk potty from cow's asss , wen those friends start to stink lyke cows potty :D


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